Target Market Analysis

Target Market Analysis

If you are looking to set up your FMCG business here in Singapore, we not only render services to those trying to set up their FMCG business for the first time but also to those who are already in the business.

Coverage of Our Services

Our Target Market Analysis is aimed at analyzing for your products:



Market Size: What is the size of the current and future market of your products?

We provide detailed market size analysis to determine where your products fit in and develop strategies on how to excel in the market.

Growth Trends: What is the current growth trends in your product category? What are the upcoming opportunities to capitalize on and invest in?

Learn more about the rate at which various new trends come in and go out of the market. With growth trend analysis your brand products can be created to fit into the market at all times.

Target Audience: Who are your best target audience and prospects in Singapore? How to classify all potential customers into different categories?



Identify the competitors in your product category. Determine who your competitors are, how do they position, and how they compete.

Retail Channels


Which Retailers and Channels in Singapore are best suitable to you to reach your target audience and prospects? How to get your products to their retail stores?


Other than Analysis services, we also provide key services needed by our FMCG clients which include: Business Matching Services, Retail Consulting Services and Website Consulting/ SEO Services. Contact us for a discussion today.


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